Thursday, September 21, 2006

Issue Two - Information

All is well at HQ. I am currently wading through the depths of writings, pictures and tutorials, formatting and designing pages, and trying to stay sane at the moment.

Shock Paper Scissors Issue #2: Autumn 2006 is currently predicted to be released on or around the 14th of October. However I'm not going to promise anything! I am incredibly busy with school and home life and have been neglecting both in order to work on the 'zine.

The issue looks extremely promising. There are a number of very interesting articles, and the focus of the issue has fallen towards yarn crafts, knitting and crochet in particular. This is in the same way in which Issue #1 leaned towards jewellery making. (Unintentionally, but nonetheless obvious.)

Keep your ears tuned for more news! I will be updating fortnightly as things come together.



Blogger Priestess~Harper said...

Ohh hurrah! Especially the part about crochet . . .

9/22/2006 9:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this not going ahead anymore nush? would be such a shame if it wasnt :(

11/14/2006 4:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooohhh I've only just found this site, is the Autumn issue going ahead? I really hope so, I would be interested in buying it!!!

11/16/2006 11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi, is issue two still happening? I'd be interested on getting a copy :)

11/22/2006 10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooo Ive just found this site, very interested in buying a copy and also entering some work for issue twp perhaps. In the mean time my art website is underway if anyone is interested in having a look? Click on my name...

12/13/2006 4:18 AM  

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